Our Approach (Following the Greats and our own Research and Development) 

As of now, the web is pretty standardized than when it all started in the 1989 and was in its infancy in the 1990s. Many people and Companies have contributed towards its growth and standardization. 

         But two people standout: Don Norman (of MIT), and Jacob Nielsen (Danish User Interface Designer). They both have created Nielsen-Norman Group and they are considered very good in the industry. They have helped Microsoft, and Apple in their quest for better design for their products.  We follow many of their advice when applying to many of our Client's requirements.  We share some knowledge bits and pieces here on the UI/UX and Design Thinking in General. 

Agile and Lean UX 

Social Commerce 

Usability and Usefulness

User Testing

There are some areas we do provide UX Consulting.  These are 

1:  E-commerce Design  

2:  Social Commerce Design 

3:  Interaction Design

4:  Mobile App Design for the GOOGLE's Android Eco-system

5:  Mobile App Design for the Apple's  Eco-system

6:  Web Design for various interfaces 

7:  Design for Public (Government) Agencies 

8:  Design for Private Enterprises 

9: Game Designs, UX Research Methods 

Following Google's Design and Material Design Principles for the Android Apps